About ABA

What is ABA Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is often referred to as the gold standard for autism treatment. Behavior analysis is a scientific approach to understanding behavior and how it is affected by the environment. ” The science of behavior analysis focuses on principles about how behavior works, or how learning takes place.  Through decades of research, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for increasing useful behaviors and reducing those that may be harmful or that interfere with learning. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the use of those techniques and principles to address socially significant issues, and to bring about meaningful behavior change.


What ABA does for your child

While it’s a disciplined and well-researched system, ABA is not one-size-fits-all. Treatment is tailored to the individual child, family, and agreed-upon goals.

BehaviorLink uses a variety of research-based strategies that can help with language acquisition, communication, social and functional skills as well as decreasing problem behavior. We use a child led approach to create an environment that is positive and engaging all while achieving meaningful outcomes. 

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